The movie rabbit proof fence is about the story of the stolen generation. The stolen generation is the Aboriginals “Half castes” that were taken from their
families to be trained in white ways – to outbreed the aboriginals. The story is about Molly, Gracie and Daisy. Two sisters and their cousin Gracie –
they’re taken and after about two or three days they left the white camp to walk home with the trackers following them. Gracie is captured but the sisters
arrive home safely.
The eagle as it shows at the beginning of the movie is the spirit bird, which will guide the way and look over Molly. The Government at the
time were very racist, but they wouldn’t have realised about the fact of this racism. It was very wrong what they did to the children. It would be a
difficult story for Molly to tell as it recounts the horrible events and it would have been hard for her to go through that again. It would be terrible to explain
it – to make others understand.
para la película un artefacto poético, pero esa es una diferencia que la película busca ignorar; funciona en el terreno común de los afectos familiares y el deseo de comunidad que simbolizan esas creencias.green chain link fence